Yay Beer!

posted by Anonymous @ 1:08 PM,
This is odd, since i don't know what to say without giving too much away about its contents.....
you got something from Central Market - which if you don't have these is a big grocery store place that has TONS of fresh veggies and stuff, they started in Austin & then dispursed from there.....
Then you got something from the liquor store...you can thank the boy for this part because he did the shopping for me. Its big enough to party with, but small enough not to make you too sick....and it in PLASTIC!!! a very important part of mailing alcohols!
then i took it to the Eagle Post Place to help me pack everything up.....
lily - you're getting a box of packing peanuts and bubble wrap!
treat them nicely cuz they cost me .69 each...or something like that.
so yea...i suck at blogging!
posted by manda_panda @ 3:18 PM,
Official Intruduction

And then I thought, why can't we? The thousand miles separating us does not prevent me from buying my new buddy in Maine a cocktail because her story about eating mac and cheese from a dog bowl made me laugh so hard I snorted like a pig. Technology makes it a relative dream to saddle up to the byte bar of the internet and ask Mr. Bartender to please give my friend a White Russian, she's so cute and I wonder if she'll give me her phone number later tonight.
An idea was born. A pole was taken and several days later a letter, very similar to the one posted below, was sent out.
Hi there

posted by Anonymous @ 3:05 PM,
Pop Up Comments!
posted by Unknown @ 9:49 AM,
What's 5,000 miles between friends when we can buy each other drinks and write about it later?
posted by Anonymous @ 3:59 PM,