A Thank You Note With Death Threats

posted by Anonymous @ 5:46 PM,
There is alcohol on the way to someone's home right now. It is from me; I did not wrap it. In fact, I did not handle it in any way. The ghost of booze past sent this package. ooooooh.
okay, not really. But there is booze in transit to one lucky gal.
posted by Anonymous @ 4:56 PM,
I made some changes. Send booze.
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posted by Unknown @ 10:49 PM,
The Laurel House is Full of Booze
Right before I left work last night, F-diddle told me to hurry up and get there because he was waiting for me to get home so he could give me a present. Naturally I left early when I heard that. Sadly, there was no Freddy at my doorstep, but there was a big brown box:

Thanks Freddy!! Stories to come.
posted by Anonymous @ 7:47 AM,