So, yesterday afternoon, my sister called to let me know that there was a big, brown box for me waiting at my parents house.
I got all ways of excited, because I knew that it meant I was the first one to receive and that my booze was here!
So, today, and with my sister's help, we got to open the box and be amazed at the wonders Amanda sent me.
Here's a recap:

After perusing through the sea of foam pebbles I discovered the following:

Amanda Sent me a bottle of Bacardi Rum, and some Mojito Mix, and most importantly, a bottle of Texan Wine! I don't know what I am more excited about, or perhaps I am excited about it all! But it's so awesome, because now I have booze to drink and even instructions to follow, look:

So, now I have instructions to follow so I can have fun (thank you so much, Manda, for not following Ericka's advice and telling me in writing to drink with the dog) and I am already plotting who I will end up inviting over to my place and having Mojitos with!
MOJITOS!! I don't know if any of you gals remember, but it is exactly how it all started last year. Amanda, you had a great Idea.
Thank you so much, so so much!

posted by Unknown @ 7:14 PM,