It's all WWW.PAMIE.COM/FORUM's Fault!
Yesterday I had my booze sent by mail drinking!
At first I was a little mortified because I had planned a get together with cousins and my friend Ale, and all of a sudden, I found myself having to deal with real life work isues, and was wary of not happening.
Then my sis called and said it was gonna take them a leetle bit more time for them to get here. And my friend Ale IM'd me saying that the boy who she's *seeing* had invited her over for some *dinner*.
Oh, what can I say, when you're about to get some, You GET SOME. I don't care about friendship shit and of course I respect that when my friends have it going on.
So, all of a sudden it was me, my cousin Alex and a supersized container of Mojito mixed drink.

Check out how classy I am mixing drinks in my normally filled with Orange Juice container. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. I say.
So, I began drinking and, OF COURSE, eating

And Alex and I got into a conversation. And our swimsuits. Because, er... my apartment complex. Has a POOL! In which water is SO HOT! And not in the ohh eehh physically PHAT water, but mostly the 'My God, I could freaking get cooked into a soup in this water, but Goddamn a pool, man' kind of way.
So we begin drinking, and drinking and talking and swimming in the pool and talking a bit more and of course, what with alcohol being a inhibitor, (or disinhibitor?) and all, all of a sudden Alex and I began talking about relationships.
And When is it that you cross a line when you are talking with a fellow relative about sex? And like, sex? really?
Thankfully, my sister and my cousin arrived and got into the pool with us, and neighbors kept coming and I would take pics with my phone camera, and I was getting drunker and drunker by the minute and it is not a good thing people, because I was in a pool! And some of my fellow peeps already know what happens when I drink more than three drinks and it was kind of dangerous for me to fall asleep all of a sudden in A POOL, but I managed and here is the proof:

And here:

Oh, and I forgot to say that OF COURSE because IT IS ME, I suffered a 'mild accident' in which my bikini top snap thing BROKE and my boobs were in danger of having been seen by God knows who, and right after that my bikini bottom untied itself loose and GOD I kept screaming bloody murder because people in my apartment complex happening to see my naked self is never a good thing and I was freaking out.
And my cousin was having such a great reaction to all of this:

And having the most of fun.
So, because of I will now be known as the big boobed girl who happened to share TMI while at the pool with her cousin and then she freaked out and people looked over their windows to see what was happening and it was because of a girl who was at the pool whose boobs were about to be shared with the whole apartment complex and dammit! so close.
Then I came back upstairs, took a shower and fell asleep on the couch.
The end.
Oh, I am also posting this while having Mojito Leftovers which is not a good sight to see because Day old Mojito = Looks like swampwater.
Still tasty though.
Thank you oh Boozefest 2006 for having made this possible.
At first I was a little mortified because I had planned a get together with cousins and my friend Ale, and all of a sudden, I found myself having to deal with real life work isues, and was wary of not happening.
Then my sis called and said it was gonna take them a leetle bit more time for them to get here. And my friend Ale IM'd me saying that the boy who she's *seeing* had invited her over for some *dinner*.
Oh, what can I say, when you're about to get some, You GET SOME. I don't care about friendship shit and of course I respect that when my friends have it going on.
So, all of a sudden it was me, my cousin Alex and a supersized container of Mojito mixed drink.

Check out how classy I am mixing drinks in my normally filled with Orange Juice container. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. I say.
So, I began drinking and, OF COURSE, eating

And Alex and I got into a conversation. And our swimsuits. Because, er... my apartment complex. Has a POOL! In which water is SO HOT! And not in the ohh eehh physically PHAT water, but mostly the 'My God, I could freaking get cooked into a soup in this water, but Goddamn a pool, man' kind of way.
So we begin drinking, and drinking and talking and swimming in the pool and talking a bit more and of course, what with alcohol being a inhibitor, (or disinhibitor?) and all, all of a sudden Alex and I began talking about relationships.
And When is it that you cross a line when you are talking with a fellow relative about sex? And like, sex? really?
Thankfully, my sister and my cousin arrived and got into the pool with us, and neighbors kept coming and I would take pics with my phone camera, and I was getting drunker and drunker by the minute and it is not a good thing people, because I was in a pool! And some of my fellow peeps already know what happens when I drink more than three drinks and it was kind of dangerous for me to fall asleep all of a sudden in A POOL, but I managed and here is the proof:

And here:

Oh, and I forgot to say that OF COURSE because IT IS ME, I suffered a 'mild accident' in which my bikini top snap thing BROKE and my boobs were in danger of having been seen by God knows who, and right after that my bikini bottom untied itself loose and GOD I kept screaming bloody murder because people in my apartment complex happening to see my naked self is never a good thing and I was freaking out.
And my cousin was having such a great reaction to all of this:

And having the most of fun.
So, because of I will now be known as the big boobed girl who happened to share TMI while at the pool with her cousin and then she freaked out and people looked over their windows to see what was happening and it was because of a girl who was at the pool whose boobs were about to be shared with the whole apartment complex and dammit! so close.
Then I came back upstairs, took a shower and fell asleep on the couch.
The end.
Oh, I am also posting this while having Mojito Leftovers which is not a good sight to see because Day old Mojito = Looks like swampwater.
Still tasty though.
Thank you oh Boozefest 2006 for having made this possible.
posted by Unknown @ 11:16 PM,